Specialized Services

Job Log Audits
Are you sure your claimant’s job logs are accurate? Do they appear suspicious? Do you question whether your claimant is claiming to attend appointments and interviews but not really doing so? We can conduct an audit on job logs and determine if these individuals are looking for work as required by law or if they are fabricating these logs to keep their benefits and mileage reimbursements coming.

Recorded and Written Statements
Written and recorded statements are important and effective tools when trying to determine the validity of a claim. Accurate information is required for our clients to make informed decisions. No matter what the individual in question may know, his or her observations must be carefully documented; ideally this is done in a non-confrontational manner. The initial statement of an injured worker, although often done by phone by the claims adjuster, can be performed by one of R&D’s investigators in person, where much more detail can be assembled. We gather all that is required in these interviews including medical diagnosis, treatment information, follow-up treatment plans and physical restrictions.

National Phone, Email and Address Checks
We have access to a variety of databases that are not available to unlicensed individuals. Sometimes we’re able to use these to aid in locating a person or simply determining how to reach them. The information sources we’ve accumulated over the years often gives us a leg up on identifying how to communicate with people our clients need to speak with.

Evidentiary Photography
Time is crucial when trying to preserve evidence, and nothing captures a moment in time better than photography. After some defined period of time, even objects that do not change or have been held in storage may be discarded. In these cases, photographs may be the only remaining records.

Temporary/Permanent Camera Installation
We offer many options when it comes to time lapse camera systems. When we need to establish a pattern of activity, particularly on rural files, these systems often provide us with that detail. We utilize a variety of discrete, unmanned camera systems that can run for days or weeks. We then collect the equipment, review our findings, and make determinations on when manned surveillance should proceed. Do you need permanent camera installations? You’re probably better off calling somebody else.

Undercover “Plant” Operatives
The R&D Agency excels in well executed undercover operations, which are often very complex and go on for weeks or months. In some cases, this is our client’s best route to determining things like internal theft or drug dealing, destruction of equipment, potentially libelous harassment of co-workers, or other concerns that need to be clarified. Most agencies aren’t capable of providing manpower over a long period of time to accomplish these complicated operations, but R&D can help clarify what’s going on when management is nowhere to be seen.